The Seven of Cups indicate having many choices before you. Choices need to be made, but in doing so, you must instead focus on what’s right for you.

Welcome to the grand illusion. The Seven of Cups may indicate having many choices before you. Choices need to be made, but in doing so, you must instead focus on what’s right for you.  It may be difficult to figure out which is the right one at this time. Don’t make a rash decision. 

Often, the Seven of Cups can be a sign of wishful thinking and projecting into the future about what you would like to create, rather than taking action here in the present to make it happen. You must approach the present opportunities with a definite set of priorities and have your long term objectives carefully planned out.

This card allows you to move and choose from the options presented to you. Each one will have its advantages and disadvantages – it is up to you to ensure that the option you choose is compatible with your intent and your Highest Good – even if you feel overwhelmed by the options available to you. If you try to pick everything at once, the actual benefits of the current experience will not be maximized. Choose carefully.

You may be daydreaming about the things you desire, rather than making your dreams come true. Your fears may be getting in the way or you might have an obstacle in the way of achieving your dreams or you might have unrealistic priorities.

Are you acting on these dreams and desires? You’re asked to be committed to your dreams and goals to reap the rewards. However, you need to separate what is real and sift out all the illusions. When you follow through with your dreams and desires then your old ways of confusion and illusion will fall away from you.

Keywords: Opportunities, choices, wishful thinking, illusion.

The figures in the cups may represent.

Mask / Head – may represent trickery or the concealment of the ego. It may also symbolize the face of an oracle that gives answers and wisdom to all inquiries. Sometimes it suggests a potential companion to the seeker (love).

Glowing Figure – may represent the burning need for the conjurer’s self-illumination. Choosing the higher path.

Snake – may represent animal passion, temptation and desire. Alternatively, some consider the snake to represent powerful transformative knowledge.

Treasures – may represent wealth and abundance.

Wreath – most likely represents victory, honor and status.

Dragon – may represent a symbol of fantasy, evil, anger, envy and calamity.

The song Grand Illusion by Styx is what comes to mind when I see the Seven of Cups.

LisaTarot by Lisa Tache

LisaTarot is your trusted tarot advisor and tarot teacher. She is the creator of the LisaTarot Essential Mist Collection. Lisa provides insightful tarot readings using tarot cards, crystals, oracle cards and numerology. Lisa delivers compassionate guidance to all of her clients, encouraging them to move in a positive direction and to always trust your intuition.

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