Change must happen. The more you fight it the worse it becomes. Make a new start.

A card of “expect the unexpected” – massive change, upheaval, destruction and chaos. The Tower card shows a high tower nestled on top of the mountain. A lightning bolt strikes the the crown on the top which sets it ablaze. Flames are bursting in the windows and people are jumping out of the tower as an act of desperation.

The Tower is very much like September 11th, 2001 attacks in New York City.

It’s when something strikes in your life strikes and you are thrown out of your comfort zone and forced to confront change.

This change may be pleasant or unpleasant, but this all depends on your perception. It can indicate that you get a shock to the system you weren’t expecting – it’s not what that shock was but how you deal with it from now that is important.

Change must happen. The more you fight it the worse it becomes. Make a new start.

When the Tower card appears in a Tarot reading expect the unexpected – massive change, disruption, ruin, and confusion. Transition is here to tear things up, create chaos, and ruin all in its way.

But when it’s over, it’ll be for your highest good. Your world may collapse before you, as you realize you’ve built your life on unstable foundations – false assumptions, double-crossing, false beliefs, and so on.

But over time, you will come to see that your initial beliefs are based on a false understanding and that your new systems of values are more representative of reality.

The best way forward would be to allow this structure to self-destruct so that you can rebuild and re-focus. This devastation will trigger the emergence of new development and the transformation of your spirit.

You’ll become stronger, wiser and more resilient after a Tower experience as you develop a new life perspective that you didn’t even know existed.

These situations are needed for your personal growth and enlightenment, and even if you experience anxiety and pain throughout the process, truth and honesty will bring about a positive change.

The Tower in the reversed position suggests that you are undergoing a significant personal transformation and upheaval.

You’re instigating change and calling into question your fundamental belief systems, values, purpose, and meaning.

You may go through a spiritual awakening as you discover a new path. Your beliefs and opinions about important topics may change as you realize that you can no longer support old beliefs.

You may be in denial that change is occurring, or maybe you’re clinging to an old belief system, even if you know it’s no longer relevant or healthy for you.

Even though you probably don’t want to go through it, this challenging time will help you learn a valuable lesson and make progress in your life.

You are creating change and transformation so you can step into a new and evolved version of yourself.

LisaTarot by Lisa Tache

LisaTarot is your trusted tarot advisor and tarot teacher. She is the creator of the LisaTarot Essential Mist Collection. Lisa provides insightful tarot readings using tarot cards, crystals, oracle cards and numerology. Lisa delivers compassionate guidance to all of her clients, encouraging them to move in a positive direction and to always trust your intuition.

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