Keywords: Truth, Fairness, Factual, Universal Law, Rules, Justice, Balance, Honesty, Fairness, truth, law, responsibility, actions, judged, good faith, accountability, judgement, integrity, legal, cause and effect, life lessons, karmic retribution, honesty, equality, seeking, cross roads, standards.

I refer to Justice as the “Cutting Through The Bullshit” card.

Traditionally, the Justice tarot card represents justice, fairness, truth and the law. You are held accountable and will be judged accordingly for your actions.

At it’s most general level, this is a card of karma. The Universe always notices those things we say and do.

Be fair in your dealings. It reminds us to study the facts and put aside our emotional response to what is going on when we make a decision. Be fair minded.

If you have behaved in accordance with your Higher Self, you’ll have nothing to worry about. However, if you haven’t, you will be called out and made to own up to your actions.

Be willing to take responsibility for your actions and be responsible for the consequences that follow.

If you are seeking justice, the Justice Card is a positive sign that it will finally be done. Once the decision is made, you have to accept it and move on; there are no retrials or second chances.

At its core, Justice is about the search for truth. Be prepared to explore what truth means to you. Be consciously aware of what you believe to be true, fair and ethical.

Number 11- Charisma

Numerology 2 – The High Priestess




It’s time to take responsibility for some past actions, wait for things to play out, right the wrongs that need to be handled.

Fair outcomes and even the field for everyone involved.

There are outcomes to our actions

Restore balance

All is well that ends well

If someone has wronged you prepare for vindication

Don’t do any corrupt or deceitful practices

Do you know your worth?

Don’t settle for less then you deserve

Be true to yourself first then move forward

Take care of your mind, body and spirit

Crossroads- decision needs to take place

When you uncover the truth, a new day will begin.

Be prepared to get back either a reward or a repercussion for something you did in the past.

Go over the situation from all points before taking action

  • Symbols
  • Scales- balance, unbiased decision
  • Sword- clarity, swift hand of justice
  • Columns- left side initiation, right side mercy
  • Crown- wisdom, insight
  • Square jewel in crown- clarity, order
  • Square clasp on robe- rationality, order
  • Figure- sees everything
  • Grey color- neutral
  • Curtain- wisdom, dignity
  • Yellow- new beginnings
  • White shoe- spiritual consequences
  • Cloak- life, vitality
  • Robe- courage
  • Throne- seat of power

LisaTarot by Lisa Tache

LisaTarot is your trusted tarot advisor and tarot teacher. She is the creator of the LisaTarot Essential Mist Collection. Lisa provides insightful tarot readings using tarot cards, crystals, oracle cards and numerology. Lisa delivers compassionate guidance to all of her clients, encouraging them to move in a positive direction and to always trust your intuition.

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