FIVE OF SWORDS - Disagreement or conflict. Choose your battles wisely.

The Five of Swords suggests you’ve had a disagreement or conflict and walked away feeling sad and defeated. Even if you think you’re the winner, you know you’ve lost as much or more as your opponent. Battle like this will cost you respect and trust and you’ll end up feeling isolated. You will have to determine if your point of view is so vital to you that you are willing to jeopardize your relationships. Are you are able to compromise and see eye-to-eye?

The Five of Swords advises you to pick your battles wisely. You don’t have to fight everything just to get your way. There are no real winners. However, choosing your battles wisely is a much better way of life than engaging in every disagreement. If a conflict is taking its toll, the Five of Swords is also an invitation to apologize. The longer you try to prove you were right, the more challenging the relationship will become. Be ready to say you were wrong and make amends. Look for common ground or forgiveness with those you have been fighting with so you can put this behind you. Accept your defeat, and learn from it. Next time, be smarter and wiser.

The Five of Swords suggests the double edged nature of the sword. One edge signifies defeat, misfortune, betrayal and loss. The other suggests learning to accept the boundaries we all must face and live with. Nobody really wins with this battle. The winner may feel it’s a hollow victory and the for loser, it’ll be a time of disappointment. Fives are about adjustment and this five suggests you are adjusting to some kind of change brought on by distress or loss. It’s an uncomfortable process but a necessary one.