FOUR OF SWORDS. Rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation. The Four of Swords is about quieting the mind.

Rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation. The Four of Swords is about quieting the mind. It tells you that rest is required before you take on anything else. It’s time to recharge your energy so you are able and ready to move forward. Take time out. Restore your energy and heal the body and the mind. Now is not the time to make decisions. The Four of Swords wants you to stay silent and inactive. Build up your mental strength by clearing your mind. The Four of Swords suggests the need for seclusion. When you are alone it creates greater inner strength and confidence. Now is the time you must retreat from pain, conflict and distractions. Rid yourself from stress and anxiety. Look inward, ground yourself and re-charge. This is a perfect time to re-assess your priorities.