
The Emperor is a powerful leader seeking gratitude and authority.

The Emperor is the father figure of the tarot deck and he sets the tone for things.

A person who takes care of things with a no-nonsense approach, and who can fight to protect what he has built. He is wise, strict and disciplined about the way he does things.

Like my father, he is an excellent source of wisdom and advice and has obtained this through experience.

His role is to set the structure, to set the rules and to show some control.

When we see The Emperor in a reading, it’s often a sign of setting boundaries and being very clear about what’s right and what’s wrong. 

The Emperor is a powerful leader seeking gratitude and authority. You organize all around you.  In exchange, you will be paid back with the loyalty and respect.

The Emperor is bound by regulations and rules. You establish law and order by applying rules or policies to a particular situation.  

Keep up your plan until the end, be systematic in your approach and be highly organized.

The Emperor card also signifies knowledge and expertise. You may be a mentor, coach, boss, or a good friend who likes to take on and pass on what you’ve learned to make others as smart and strong as you are.

The Emperor appearing in a reading suggests a period of great stability and security in your life.  You are on top of things and have everything under control.  Keep up the hard work,  stay focused and let nothing stand in your way.

Upright – Authority, structure, a father figure

Reversed – Excessive control, rigidity, domination

Yes or No – Yes

Numerology – 4 (stability)

Element – Fire

Astrological Sign – Aries

The Emperor is ruled by the fire sign Aries. People born under Aries are said to be bold, impulsive and full of energy just like The Emperor.

The Emperor is ruled by the fire sign Aries. People born under Aries are said to be bold, impulsive and full of energy just like The Emperor.

The Emperor and Aries set the tone for things to come. Their role is to be a leader, to set the structure and to show some control.

In order to be a strong leader, you must be firm and fair. You need a clear vision of what you want to create.

If you need a starting point to initiate change and new beginnings, then look to The Emperor. He’ll make sure you follow the rule book and you get the job done right.


The Hierophant is the masculine counterpart to the High Priestess. He is also known as the Pope or the Teacher in other Tarot decks.

The Hierophant is the masculine counterpart to the High Priestess.

Here’s to finding the new me, the version of myself I’ve never met yet.

He is also known as the Pope or the Teacher in other Tarot decks.

The personality of the Hierophant is conventional and conservative. He follows the proper process and he rarely deviates from what he knows has worked.

He needs to conform and get other people’s approval, and he’s careful not to rock the boat.

This card represents an established set of spiritual values and beliefs and is often linked to religion and other formal the principles. It indicates that you obey the norm and stay within the limits of a framework that has been ‘ tried and tested.

You stick to the key principles and laws that you know would result in a successful outcome.

The Hierophant Tarot card often speaks to group membership or being part of an institution.

Work with a teacher, mentor, or guide. You may enjoy a deep sense of comfort being surrounded by people who have well-established belief systems and explicit values. Finding them may be as significant as exploring a new church or religious group, or as simple as joining a team or a gym.

This card is about identifying with others and a way of thinking that will prompt further learning.

The personality of the Hierophant is conventional and conservative. He follows the proper process and he rarely deviates from what he knows has worked.

At it’s core, The Hierophant Card is about awakening to a Higher Power. The energy is represented by dedication to your spiritual practice, discipline, commitment and seeking out like a minded community.

Dedicate yourself to your spiritual path and welcome the guidance from wise teachers.

This is the time for discovering your deeper meaning. The keys of knowledge are at your feet.

Allow yourself to learn from other people’s wisdom, follow established rules and stick to traditional values.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Teachers come in all shapes and sizes. The Hierophant is teaching the students tradition, conformity, spirituality – the moral code of ethics.

Open your mind and your heart and be ready to receive. This is your time to be comforted by your faith. Be it through a spiritual leader or motivational speaker. The options are endless. You may find the teacher within the pages of a self help book, a tutor, a family member or a friend.

Dedicate yourself to a regular spiritual practice. A spiritual practice refers to something that we perform each day to nur­ture our deep inner being. A spiritual practice quiets the mind and brings us into a state of peace or harmony with ourselves.

A spiritual practice can take many forms, but it is not the form that matters so much as the intent. In fact, a spiritual practice does not even need to be explicitly spiritual to be effective. It simply needs to be something that helps you turn inward and connect with your own truth and purpose.

There are countless activities that could be deemed spiritual practices. Anything that allows you to quiet your mind and connect with your deepest self could be considered a spiritual practice.

  • Meditation, Prayer, Writing in a journal, Joining a team, Yoga, Tai chi, Going for a walk, Painting, Dancing, Keeping a gratitude journal, Singing/chanting.


The Hierophant embodies teaching and group membership. Sign up for a group class. This might be a spiritual retreat, an exercise class, an art class or a professional development workshop.

Go with the intention of learning from both the teacher and the students. Experience what it is like to share similar lessons with like-minded people.

Choose a path that will deepen your connection with spirit and that will teach you about an established belief system.

Crystal associated with the Hierophant is Celestite.
Celestite is the teacher of the new age and is the perfect stone to support you along your path of spiritual awareness.

A high vibrational stone, Celestite will activate the Third Eye Chakra, allowing you to access your inner voice and knowledge you have to share.

The Hierophant is often used to refer with group membership or to be part of an organization.

You will feel a profound sense of comfort surrounded by people with well-established beliefs and clear values. It may be as important to find them as exploring a new church or as easy as joining a gym.

This card is about identifying with others and a way of thinking that prompts learning to continue.

“Teaching is more than imparting knowledge, it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts, it is acquiring understanding.” – William Arthur Ward (Author and pastor)