Anything is possible. Personal growth and development. Dreams can come true.

Keywords: Optimism, Confidence, New Energy, Positive Change, Happiness, Faith, Hope

The Star reveals new hope and happiness after the previous chaos of the Tower.

The Star of Hope. Optimism. Wish upon a star. Anything is possible. The Star signals an upcoming or existing phase of happiness in our lives. Personal growth and development are at play when the Star card shows up in a reading. It reassures you that dreams can come true. But it’s up to you to believe it.

The Star shows that you have a happy future ahead of you. If you have faith in yourself and your potential, you will be able to master any challenge in life, no matter how difficult.

The Star offers restored hope and faith, and a feeling that you are truly blessed. It is a pleasant, loving period in your life, filled with positive energies, emotional stability, and a deeper understanding of yourself and others around you.

With the Star card, the magic is flowing around you and anything is possible. Your heart is full of hope, and as you realize that your dreams can really come true.

Allow yourself to dream in any way possible so you can reach the stars. You are making some major changes in your life, turning yourself from the old you to the new you and bringing a new vision.  “Out with the old and in with the new!”

Live your authentic self. Stay open to new ideas and development and listen to the voice that is inside you. Your heart is open, and now you want to give back the blessings that you have received so that others can benefit.