When the Three of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, you are encouraged to gather with your closest friends and have a good time together, talking, laughing, sharing and creating

Key Words: Celebrations, good conversation, happiness, friends

When the Three of Cups arrives, it’s time to party! This is the friendship card.

The of Three of Cups is reminding you it’s time to get out there and make more of an effort and be open to the social influences life is presenting to you.

Enjoy these times of happiness and success while you can.

When the Three of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, you are encouraged to gather with your closest friends and have a good time together, talking, laughing, sharing and creating.

You must consciously take time out to liven up your social life. See it as your opportunity to let let loose and forget about your day-to-day commitments for a bit. Instead, spend quality time with friends and family and enjoy yourself!

This is a great card for parties. If you are being invited to events and social gatherings, be sure to accept all invitations. If you haven’t got anything planned, then this card may suggest you should start planning.

Throw a party, celebrate, connect with your friends. Make an effort to see each other. Go out and have fun. You have high energy and you’re here to do fun and amazing things together.

In a yes or no question, the Three of Cups is a YES!

Overall, the Three of Cups card describes good times to come and a cause for celebration is in your future.