The Three of Swords indicates that you feel profoundly hurt and disappointed. Your heart was stabbed by the harmful words, actions or intentions of others. They have inflicted massive emotions of pain, sorrow, loss, and heartbreak. These events usually show up of the blue and this makes them even more painful. Allow yourself the opportunity to experience these emotions, no matter how painful. The Three of Swords also denotes an emotional release. Now is an excellent time to let it all out. Have a good cry, shout, scream. You have to let it all out so you can release the pain. Then you’ll be able to move forward. The Three of Swords comes as a reminder that grief, pain and sorrow are a part of life. While the pain may cloud your vision for a time, it will eventually bring clarity and enable you to put the past behind you. The good news is that this painful season will pass. While the Three of Swords brings hurt and sadness, it is only temporary. You will bounce back.