Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune reminds you that the wheel is always turning and life is in a state of constant change.

The Wheel of Fortune reminds you that the wheel is always turning and life is in a state of constant change.

Keywords: Go with the flow, Good Luck, Karma, Life Cycles, Turning Point, Change, Possibilities, Risk, Trust, Instinct, Believe, Future, Destiny, Fate, Twists and Turns, Chance.

The Wheel of Fortune shows why it’s so important to enjoy your life’s blissful moments and make the most of them while they’re within reach – because they might be gone in a flash.

It’s also known as the wheel of karma and reminds you that what goes around comes around.

What you put out to the universe is what you’ll receive back. Make sure you send out those positive vibes if you want happiness and abundance. Keep your mind open.  

The Wheel of Fortune can show a turning point in your life. Opportunities you could never imagine are suddenly available to you, and you have the chance to make a significant change in your life.

See this as an invitation to turn things around and take an entirely new direction in your life.

Number-10- change, growth, new beginnings

Numerology link- 1 The Magician, 19 The Sun

Element- Fire

Astrology- Jupiter- Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Energy- Active

Positive changes coming soon

Unexpected outcome’s possible by having faith and taking a risk

We are in charge of our own destiny and we can create our own luck

Things are lining up for your benefit

Surprising offers or new opportunities presenting themselves

Personal vision increase

Discover more about yourself and listen to your gut

Manifest your dreams now, your energy is aligning with the universe

Now is the time to take a chance, spin the wheel and take a chance on what you have been holding out on

Prepare for the unexpected

Something is going to bring you closer to an important person in your life

Someone may be coming into your life unexpectedly- a chance encounter

You reap what you sow

You may be facing consequences of your past actions

Give the kind of energy you wish to receive from others

End of something and the beginning of something new

Appreciate every moment

Angel, lion, ox, eagle- Angel Guides
Clouds- mystery
Wheel- change, movement, chance
Letters on wheel- spells out ‘Tarot Wheel (Rota)’ “The wheel of Tarot speaks the Law of Nature”
Wheel moving- life’s ups and downs
8 spokes- universal energy
X in the center- marking the spot
Symbols on the 4 spokes- alchemy for mercury, sulfur, water
Orange Jackal- truth
Symbols on wheel- 4 elements and 4 creatures outside of wheel- representing the fixed signs
Figures in the corner- guardians of the 4 corners of the world
Snake- temptation, knowledge from the tree of good and evil, life force descending into material world
Sphinx- secrets, life’s riddles, wisdom
White book- Akashic records, info on all past lives, knowledge from spirit
Dog- loyalty, playful, animalistic desires

LisaTarot by Lisa Tache

LisaTarot is your trusted tarot advisor and tarot teacher. She is the creator of the LisaTarot Essential Mist Collection. Lisa provides insightful tarot readings using tarot cards, crystals, oracle cards and numerology. Lisa delivers compassionate guidance to all of her clients, encouraging them to move in a positive direction and to always trust your intuition.

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