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The Fool

The Fool

It’s time to work with The Fool Card when you’re ready to take a risk and explore new beginnings.

Advice: take a leap of faith and throw caution to the wind.

Affirmation “I am limitless energy. I’m a free spirit on the path of life in search of new experiences and new beginnings.

The Fool tarot card is the number 0 of the Major Arcana, which stands for unlimited potential.

The Fool stands at the beginning of every story. He is a card of new beginnings, opportunities, and potential.

He is filled with energy and enthusiasm, excited to take his first step into any new adventure.

Are you ready for new adventures? Follow your heart. Now is the time when you need to trust where the Universe is taking you.

The Fool encourages you to have an open, curious mind and a sense of excitement.

Leave behind any fears, worries, or anxiety about what may or may not happen.

It’s time to work with The Fool Card when you’re ready to take a risk and explore new beginnings.

You are on the verge of an unexpected and exciting new adventure. This may require you to take a blind leap of faith.

Treat life like one big experiment and feel yourself in the flow of whatever comes your way.

This is your invitation to go for it, play, and have fun. It’s all about new experiences, personal growth and adventure.

Laugh more, dance more and let your heart go free. You are ready!

If you’ve been watching for a sign, this is it!

Take a chance and see what happens. Believe the universe has your back. You are entering into a new phase, one that is very different from any other.

Now is the time to trust and go with the flow.

Throw caution to the wind and be ready to embrace the unknown, leaving behind any fear, worry or anxiety about what may or may not happen.


ACE OF SWORDS - It’s a time to put action into place. A new way of thinking will allow you to view the world with clear eyes. It says your mind is in opening up.

Keywords: Breakthroughs, new ideas, mental clarity, success, concentration, vision, force, focus, truth.
It’s a time to put action into place. A new way of thinking will allow you to view the world with clear eyes. It says your mind is opening up. Be open and eager to learn something new. When the Ace of Swords appears in a Tarot reading, it tells you that now is an excellent time to start a new project – one that requires your intellect, communication skills and mental power. See this card as a sign of encouragement. You may feel inspired to get involved in activities that require more brainpower than usual.
As an Ace, you are at the beginning of the journey, but you can sense the energy building up and can’t wait to get started. If you channel this energy into the right moves, then you will succeed in your endeavors. Just remember that the road ahead may be bumpy and you can expect challenges along the way. Maintain a success mindset, and you will navigate these hurdles with ease.
This card represents that moment you see the world from a new point of view, as a place that is filled with nothing but new possibilities. It is, therefore, the best time to work on your goals – as the aces all give green lights, and are signals of waiting opportunities and new beginnings.

UprightClarity, sound decision making, a breakthrough, opportunities, new ideas, success, concentration
ReversedUnproductive, irrational, destruction, missed opportunities
Yes or NoYes


The Two of swords is about not seeing a situation clearly and making decisions. It’s a time when you are indecisive and apprehensive about making the next move. It’s about balance with give and take.

The Two of Swords indicates a period before you make a final decision. It suggests that you are facing a decision, but not sure which option to take. Something is up in the air and you are not ready to deal with it.

You are not seeing things clearly and may have guarded emotions. You are not letting anything in or out. Turn inward so you can decide. Weigh out the pros and cons.

This is a card of meditation, not of action. The crossed swords point to different possible directions, but for the moment look inward rather than outward until you find the direction to apply it.

Trust your own judgement and have patience. Be sure to choose the path that most aligns with your true self.


The Three of Swords indicates that you feel profoundly hurt and disappointed. Your heart was stabbed by the harmful words, actions or intentions of others. They have inflicted massive emotions of pain, sorrow, loss, and heartbreak. These events usually show up of the blue and this makes them even more painful. Allow yourself the opportunity to experience these emotions, no matter how painful. The Three of Swords also denotes an emotional release. Now is an excellent time to let it all out. Have a good cry, shout, scream. You have to let it all out so you can release the pain. Then you’ll be able to move forward. The Three of Swords comes as a reminder that grief, pain and sorrow are a part of life. While the pain may cloud your vision for a time, it will eventually bring clarity and enable you to put the past behind you. The good news is that this painful season will pass. While the Three of Swords brings hurt and sadness, it is only temporary. You will bounce back.


FOUR OF SWORDS. Rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation. The Four of Swords is about quieting the mind.

Rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation. The Four of Swords is about quieting the mind. It tells you that rest is required before you take on anything else. It’s time to recharge your energy so you are able and ready to move forward. Take time out. Restore your energy and heal the body and the mind. Now is not the time to make decisions. The Four of Swords wants you to stay silent and inactive. Build up your mental strength by clearing your mind. The Four of Swords suggests the need for seclusion. When you are alone it creates greater inner strength and confidence. Now is the time you must retreat from pain, conflict and distractions. Rid yourself from stress and anxiety. Look inward, ground yourself and re-charge. This is a perfect time to re-assess your priorities.


FIVE OF SWORDS - Disagreement or conflict. Choose your battles wisely.

The Five of Swords suggests you’ve had a disagreement or conflict and walked away feeling sad and defeated. Even if you think you’re the winner, you know you’ve lost as much or more as your opponent. Battle like this will cost you respect and trust and you’ll end up feeling isolated. You will have to determine if your point of view is so vital to you that you are willing to jeopardize your relationships. Are you are able to compromise and see eye-to-eye?

The Five of Swords advises you to pick your battles wisely. You don’t have to fight everything just to get your way. There are no real winners. However, choosing your battles wisely is a much better way of life than engaging in every disagreement. If a conflict is taking its toll, the Five of Swords is also an invitation to apologize. The longer you try to prove you were right, the more challenging the relationship will become. Be ready to say you were wrong and make amends. Look for common ground or forgiveness with those you have been fighting with so you can put this behind you. Accept your defeat, and learn from it. Next time, be smarter and wiser.

The Five of Swords suggests the double edged nature of the sword. One edge signifies defeat, misfortune, betrayal and loss. The other suggests learning to accept the boundaries we all must face and live with. Nobody really wins with this battle. The winner may feel it’s a hollow victory and the for loser, it’ll be a time of disappointment. Fives are about adjustment and this five suggests you are adjusting to some kind of change brought on by distress or loss. It’s an uncomfortable process but a necessary one.


SIX OF SWORDS - You are moving on to make your life better.  It’s for the best and will make you blossom and grow into a better version of you.

The Six of Swords shows moving on from a disruptive situation toward a place of healing. It suggests finding focus and clarity. It offers quiet horizons for reflections of things that were a problem. The Six of Swords shows transition and regret or sadness about what will be left behind. You are moving on to make your life better.  It’s for the best and will make you blossom and grow into a better version of you. It shows that you are leaving behind what was familiar and moving towards the unknown. You may feel sad to leave behind what is so familiar to you. But in doing so, you will gain greater mental clarity and accept the change. You will become a better person as a result. Let go of whatever is holding you back. You will face tough decisions and compromises along the way. Do not dwell on what gets left behind. Reflect on any baggage (emotional or mental) you may carry as you move from one phase to another. If you carry all the weight from your past while you’re trying to move forward it may slow down your personal growth. The Six of Swords card gently encourages you forward, reminding you that you are heading towards a better future.  See it as an opportunity to grow and transform into a new and improved version of yourself.


Seven of Swords indicates theft, betrayal, deception and trickery.  To me it’s the sneaky card. You may be trying to get away with something and are sneaking around behind other people’s backs, hoping to go undetected.

The 7 of Swords does have a reputation for being underhanded, but in some situations, there may be good reason for this. To me it’s the Sneaky Pete card. Someone is covering up the truth and trying to get away with it unnoticed. People hide the truth for all kinds of reasons. While an unfaithful lover or sneaky business person may be uncovered by this card, it might also indicate news that has been kept secret to protect feelings.

The 7 of Swords is a card to keep an eye on since it may suggest that someone is covering up the truth. Though this might be for our own good, there will be times when their intention is to deceive and manipulate. The card may confirm a feeling you had about a close friend or relative, but it could also suggest to check the fine print in a business deal or to be careful about an investment you may be considering.

In it’s most positive light, the 7 of Swords may represent being an assertive, strategic planner and staying one step ahead of others.

Traditionally, the Seven of Swords indicates theft, a cunning person, selfishness, dishonesty, betrayal, deception and trickery.

The 7 of Swords will describe all kinds of dishonest people. At it’s worst, it pinpoints crooks or an adulterer, but more likely, it will highlight those who tell little white lies or twist the truth to suit themselves.

You may be trying to get away with something and are sneaking around behind other people’s backs, hoping to go undetected. The Seven of Swords could imply that sometimes you just have to face what has to be faced.  It means to use your wits for diplomacy and not to use aggression.

At times it can be viewed as secret, strategic planning or hidden dishonor. Your acts may be legitimate. However, you prefer to use your mind and intellect rather than force or by obvious means.

Ask yourself this?
How honest are you with those around you?
When is it acceptable to tell little white lies?
Can you think of a time when your trust was taken advantage of?