The Nine of Wands encourages you to keep pushing – you are so close to the finish line.  Do not give up. You are so close to getting what you want.

This is a card of resilience, courage, perseverance and staying power. Recent events have left feeling battered and bruised, draining you of all of your energy and feeling like you can’t go on. The Nine of Wands encourages you to keep pushing – you are so close to the finish line.  Do not give up. You are so close to getting what you want. Every time you overcome an obstacle, it makes you stronger. See this Nine as confirmation that you will eventually come out ahead when you stand firm and maintain your position. You may feel others have tried to challenge your plans, making things difficult for you. Often, they do it because they’re projecting their own insecurities on you. To be successful, you need to step forward and gather your strength. Don’t let them get to you. You can make things happen.  Don’t shy away because of others’ insecurities. You have your people who support you. Let them cheer you on to the finish line.


The Ace of Pentacles is welcome in just about every type of reading. You are being presented with something precious. It represents a gift from the earth often manifesting as an opportunity or some kind of boost.

The Ace of Pentacles is welcome in just about every type of reading. You are being presented with something precious. It represents a gift from the earth often manifesting as an opportunity or some kind of boost. The suit of Pentacles deals with financial and monetary concerns. It has to do with material wealth, reaching goals, prosperity, abundance, security and financial stability. The Ace of pentacles is the spark that affirms this new idea has potential.  This card is the window that opens for you in the area of work or in business opportunities. It is the beginning stages of creating your goals and it ensures you that you can accomplish anything you set out to do. With careful planning and focused effort your goals and aspirations can come true. You’re ready to turn your thoughts into something real. The Ace of Pentacles also symbolizes wealth in a broader sense, not just for your bank account. You’ll find growth within yourself. There may be opportunities presented to create a new source of income, or you may obtain a financial gift or windfall.  This Ace denotes possible abundance on all areas of your life.  Enjoy it! Feel blessed and deserving of everything that comes your way.


The Two of Pentacles is all about balancing and juggling different jobs, relationships and rolls simultaneously. In everyday life it is pretty common to have more than one responsibility at a time.

The Two of Pentacles is all about balancing and juggling different jobs, relationships and rolls simultaneously. In everyday life it is pretty common to have more than one responsibility at a time. How do we find enough hours in a day and also have time for rest and re-charge. There are so many choices and obligations. You are wearing many hats and managing a lot of responsibilities in your life. The Two of Pentacles often appears when you are busy rushing from one thing to the next, with little time in between. This card invites you to manage your priorities and your time carefully so you can  maintain balance. Your high workload and need to get everything done requires you to stay focused and productive. It is crucial to create better time management to keep your head above water while juggling your priorities. Be cautious about over booking yourself. You need to prioritize or you’ll end up missing important deadlines, meetings and other obligations. The Two of Pentacles is a card of coping. It calls your attention to the concept of balance, being patient, flexible and adaptable as you try to juggle your responsibilities with your family, friends, work, finances, health and new challenges. Be prepared for last minute plan changes. If you are able to be flexible and stay grounded you’ll be able to balance multiple priorities. Use the time you do have wisely!


Like a handful of cards from the swords suit, the Ten of Swords suggests a difficult and sometimes painful ending to a situation. Unfortunately, not everything works out as well as we planned.

This card will highlight the pain endured by a difficult situation but just remember, you’ll survive it. In fact, it’ll probably make you more stronger and more wiser next time.

The Ten of Swords can indicate arguments, strife or bad choices. It may suggest a messy breakdown or breakup of a relationship or the wounds of public embarrassment. Relationships, jobs or deals may end suddenly.

You are feeling the pain of this loss and wondering if you’re ever going to get through this.

When the Ten of Swords appears in a Tarot reading, you may be the object of a deception or manipulation by another person. You feel as if you were stabbed in the back and suffer from the actions of someone else. The pain inflicted runs deep, not because what they did is hurtful, but because you know deep down that this is the end of your friendship as you know it.

Try not to take the victim position hoping people will save you from misery. You can’t change another person’s actions, but you can change your reaction.

The Ten of Swords is about letting go and acknowledging the present circumstances. You don’t fight change anymore but encourage it to happen even though it causes you initial pain and hurt. You recognize that there needs to be a transition to promote renewal, so you encourage it to happen rather than combat it.

The good news is that the Ten of Swords represents the final ordeal – from that point no further suffering can fall upon you. The hour before dawn is darkest, and you have to feel the full effect of what’s happened before you can move on and start over. It might not be the easiest thing you go through. But it won’t last forever either.

Have a look at what happened to you and what you can learn from the experience. The hurt and pain will disappear as you do, and you’ll soon see that it all had to happen so you can grow into your fullest potential.


The Three of Pentacles is a positive card, particularly with regard to work and career. It brings awareness to our physical environment and the people around us.

The Three of Pentacles is a positive card, particularly with regard to work and career. It brings awareness to our physical environment and the people around us. You don’t have to always work on your own. The Three of Pentacles is a reminder of teamwork within our professional life and to be available when help is required. This card is about collaboration. By forming partnerships and working as a team, you can achieve great results. There are many people working behind the scenes toward the same goal, even if unseen. It represents the value of different ideas and levels of experience. Everyone gets the job done together. You’ve got the ball rolling and are making things happen. As you put your plans to work, you will realize that you have the skills, capabilities and resources you need to accomplish your objectives. See the Three of Pentacles as an encouragement that you are on the right track. You are competent at what you do, and you are making progress. Keep going! The Tree of Pentacles reminds us to disperse our energy among those different responsibilities. It’s a card referring to teamwork, collaborating with others and not taking all the glory.


The Four of Pentacles is connected to our control and organization of tangible things such as our wealth, security and possessions.

The Four of Pentacles is connected to our control and organization of tangible things such as our wealth, security and possessions. This card reminds us the importance of being balanced, saving for the future, security, conservatism and scarcity. The Four of Pentacles asks you to examine your relationship with money. Are you accumulating wealth and investing your money wisely? Or are you hanging onto every cent, afraid to spend your money for fear of losing it. The lesson with the Four of Pentacles is to honour and respect money and wealth but don’t become so attached that you lose sight of what’s most important to you. It can suggest that our need to control can be consuming us. Money works best when it can flow and exchange, not when it is being stashed away. Find a healthy balance between spending and saving.


The Five of Pentacles is a card of hard times and down on your luck; especially when it comes to your work, career, finances, and material possessions. It is a card that shows us lacking faith in tough times.

The Five of Pentacles is a card of hard times and down on your luck; especially when it comes to your work, career, finances, and material possessions. It is a card that shows us lacking faith in tough times. Bumps in the road are inevitable and the Five of Pentacles reflects this. As a result, you may feel isolated and lonely during this time – just know that this will eventually pass. Comfort and support are often closer than we notice. People are here to support you. Find them and let them know you need them. The key is learning and growing from the hardships. Knowing what the future might bring makes it easier to change our behavior to avoid future setbacks. We must keep in mind that we may not have control of the challenges we face, the power lies in our reactions. Sometime all you can see is what is going wrong. To shift this energy, look for what is going right even if it’s very small and express gratitude for the blessings in your life. In time, good things will continue to grow and soon you’ll discover “what was lacking” in your life will be a thing of the past.


Six of Pentacles presents a positive outcome. It expresses everything that it means to be a giving individual.

There are two positions to take with this card: the position of the giver or the position of the receiver. Either way, the Six of Pentacles presents a positive outcome. It expresses everything that it means to be a giving individual. While it can be favorable in financial situations, it also shows assistance is there when it is needed. Sometimes, you are on the giving end; other times, you are on the receiving end. It’s an ongoing cycle of life. This card reminds us that balance can change at a moments notice. You must show your gratitude by paying it forward. You’ll feel good giving and whomever you’re helping will feel good too. This card reflects a state of financial security and generosity, suggesting that you can use your wealth and abundance to help others. But it also speaks to receiving generosity and the feeling of relief that accompanies much-needed assistance. Even if you are surrounded by wealth, there will be times when you need the help and support of others, so be generous with your resources, as you may need the support in the future.

How are you sharing your abundance with others? We all have value to offer by sharing our time, energy, love, and support to those who are in need. Right now, you can give and know that it will be appreciated. Giving of your time or your wisdom is just as spiritually fulfilling as giving away money or gifts, and the intangible gift of your presence is received just as well, if not better! Trust that every contribution you make is valued and will come back to you.


The Seven of Pentacles encourages you to think about the long-term and assess where you can best invest your time and energy. If you’ve been working really hard at something, trust that your dedication to the project will pay off.

The Seven of Pentacles encourages you to think about the long-term and assess where you can best invest your time and energy. If you’ve been working really hard at something, trust that your dedication to the project will pay off. Putting in time and energy will bring in positive results. You are not looking for quick wins. Focus on the bigger picture. Embrace what you have built and measure your performance to date. Your hard work will pay off. If you aren’t seeing the results as quickly as you’d like, this is your reminder to be patient and grateful for the progress that you have made so far. Focus on the present and do what you can with what you have.


The Eight of Pentacles is a card of skill and mastery. It suggests a need for getting things done. The more we work on something the better we become at it. Be open to developing your skills.

The Eight of Pentacles is a card of skill, ambition, diligence, mastery and perfectionism. It suggests a need for getting things done.

The Eight of Pentacles shows that you are focused on achieving an objective. The search for perfection is paying off, but there’s a lot of work to be done.

The more we work on something the better we become at it. Be open to developing your skills. You may already have experience in a specific skill set but now you’re working on mastering these skills.

You are aware that this will require more effort, but you will work hard at it.  This will require a lot of focus and dedication, but you are ready to put in the hours and pay attention to the details.

The Eight of Pentacles suggests you are working away at the finer details of your life to continually improve your situation. It indicates a period of dedication, hard work, focus, and ambition. You are working hard to improve your skills and reach a new level of mastery.

This card encourages you to keep doing what you are doing, as it will eventually lead to success. Continue to work on yourself and make improvements to make sure you’re the best person you can be.

If you are learning something new, see the Eight of Pentacles as reassurance that the energy you invest in your development will be worth your while. Stick with it!

Overall, this is a very hard-working and conscientious energy that is present in your life.The Eight of Pentacles refers to the efforts that you undertake and indicates a time that you must work hard and focus entirely on your tasks.

In a yes or no answer, the Eight of Pentacles is a Yes.

#LisaTarotTuesday The Eight of Pentacles is a card of skill, ambition, diligence, mastery and perfectionism. It suggests a need for getting things done.