Numerology and Tarot

Numerology is an important part of the symbolism of Tarot cards. An understanding of the basic principles of numerology will add richness and depth to the Tarot card reading. The numbers on the cards are filled with meaning, and these meanings are consistent with numerology.

The deck is divided into two sections, the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards that are in a numbered progression. The Minor Arcana consists of four suits with 10 numbered cards and 4 Court cards each.

Numerology is an important part of the symbolism of Tarot cards. The numbers on the cards are filled with meaning, and these meanings are consistent with numerology.

The Major and Minor Arcana and Numbers

The Number 0 – There is only one card in the entire Tarot deck with the Number 0. This card is The Fool. The Fool is both the first and the last of the Major Arcana, and thus, this card is the beginning and the end. It also represents the innocent soul on his journey through the rest of the Major Arcana. Though The Fool is the only card that is numbered 0, the symbol is also contained on the wreath that surrounds the woman on The World.

The Number 1 – The Number 1is the first act of pure Creation, and it also represents new beginnings. The card of Major Arcana that is the Number 1 is The Magician. Each of the Minor Arcana suits begins with the Number 1 as well. The four suits represent the four classical elements. Wands represent Fire, the realm of action. Cups represent Water, the realm of imagination and emotion. Swords represent Air, the realm of thought. Finally, Pentacles represent Earth, the realm of materialism. The Number 1 has mostly positive associations.

The Number 2 – The Number 2 represents balance, decision-making, and polarity. In the Major Arcana, the Number 2 is The High Priestess. Justice, whose number is 11, can also be simplified to the Number 2, because 1+1 = 2. Judgment, whose number is 20, can be simplified to the number 2 as well. In the Minor Arcana, the 2’s represent balance, relationships, and decisions.

The Number 3 – The first of the Major Arcana to be represented by the Number 3 is of The Empress. The Hanged Man, Number 12, and The World, Number 21, also carry the symbolism of the Number 3. Of the Minor Arcana, in all of the suits except for Swords, the 3’s have positive connotations.

The Number 4 – The Number 4 is a more tense number. In the Major Arcana, the Number 4 is The Emperor. This is largely a positive card, but it brings in a harsher, very masculine element. Death, Number 13, also carries the symbolism of 4. In the Minor Arcana, it is only in the suit of Wands that 4 has an unambiguously positive connotation.

The Number 5 – The Number 5 represents freedom and expressiveness, but there is also an element of wildness and unpredictability to it. In the Major Arcana, 5 is the number of The Hierophant. Temperance, Number 14, also carries the symbolism of the Number 5. In the Minor Arcana, 5’s may carry a negative connotation in every suit and introduce an element of conflict, change or strife.

The Number 6 – The Number 6 has the meaning of balance and harmony. In the Major Arcana, The Lovers, Number 6, and The Devil, Number 15. In the Minor Arcana, the 6’s carry relatively positive connotations in all four suits.

The Number 7 – The Number 7 represents faith, but it also represents knowledge and understanding. In the Major Arcana, the Number 7 is The Chariot as well as The Tower, Number 16. And the Minor Arcana, the 7’s have mixed or ambiguous meanings in all suits.

The Number 8 – The Number 8 represents power and intensity. 8 is the number of the card, Strength. The Star, Number 17, also incorporates the symbolism of 8. In the Minor Arcana, the Eight of Pentacles is positive, as is the Eight of Wands. The Eight of Cups is mixed, and the Eight of Swords is negative.

The Number 9 – The Number 9 is the number of completion. In the Major Arcana, 9 is The Hermit, as well as The Moon, Number 18. In the Minor Arcana, the 9’s represent as far as the suits can go before it reaches completion.

The Number 10 – The Number 10 is the end of the matter. At the same time, because 1+0=1, 10 also incorporates the meaning of the Number 1 and indicates a new beginning. In the Major Arcana, Number 10 is the Wheel of Fortune and also The Sun, Number 19. In the Minor Arcana, the 10’s mark the end of the numbered cards in each suit.

  • 1. New beginnings, opportunity, potential, inspiration.
  • 2. Balance, duality, a crossroad or choice, partnership.
  • 3. New Initial achievement of goals, growth, creativity, groups
  • 4. Structure, foundation, stability, manifestation
  • 5. Instability, conflict, change, challenge
  • 6. Communication, problem-solving, cooperation, harmony, adjustment
  • 7. Reflection, assessment, spirituality, discovery, knowledge
  • 8. Movement, action, change, regeneration, accomplishment, attainment
  • 9. Fruition, attainment, fulfillment, nearing completion
  • 10. Completion, end of a cycle and renewal


Beltane is a fire festival celebrated mid-day April 31st and goes on until midnight on May the 1st.

It is a prime time for love, lust, fertility, abundance, success and revelry. Dancing around a bonfire naked is a classic Beltane move!

Beltane marks the most fertile and energetic time between early spring and mid-summer. Now is a time to consider the “seeds” you are planting for the coming year. It is a time to think about the coming summer and offer blessings and protections.

Earth is coming alive with fertile energy, it is a powerful time to celebrate the fertility deep rooted in all life. Beltane is a time to acknowledge all the pleasures in being alive. It’s the perfect time to breed, plant and create.

Nature is bursting. The birds are building nests, animals are breeding and love is in the air. Beltane honors life and is a celebration of passion and putting your plans into action.

Beltane is a festival of life, love and fertility.

This is the perfect time to set some intentions, breathe into your own magic and remember you have the power to plant, grow and create, just like the earth does.

How to Celebrate Beltane

Beltane is a festival of life, love and fertility. Focus on abundance, your deepest desires, and celebrate the sensuality and fertility of our lives.

Beltane Themed Tarot Spread

  • What seeds are you planting?
  • How can you apply energy to this?
  • How can you nourish this?
  • The potential outcome.
  • Reconnect with Nature. As the world around us bursts into life and color, we are invited to embrace our connection to the rhythms and cycles of this planet.
  • Celebrate your body and honour you sexuality.
  • Have a Bonfire. Fire represents light. It illuminates and purifies. Use fire to protect, transform and release.
  • Gather Flowers and give thanks to Mother Nature for her blessings.
  • Wear a garland of flowers in your hair.
  • Dress in green – The color green symbolizes growth and birth.
  • Take a ritual bath – Add candles, crystals, bath salts, and essential oil to the the water and cleanse away the grime of winter, and be ready to embrace the fertile season.
  • Celebrate with a feast of delicious food.

What ever you choose to do to recognize Beltane will be perfect. This is a time to celebrate the season and bring all of the elements together. Celebrate your sensual side. Get lucky! Be alive and grow.

Beltane blessings to you.

The Fool

The Fool

It’s time to work with The Fool Card when you’re ready to take a risk and explore new beginnings.

Advice: take a leap of faith and throw caution to the wind.

Affirmation “I am limitless energy. I’m a free spirit on the path of life in search of new experiences and new beginnings.

The Fool tarot card is the number 0 of the Major Arcana, which stands for unlimited potential.

The Fool stands at the beginning of every story. He is a card of new beginnings, opportunities, and potential.

He is filled with energy and enthusiasm, excited to take his first step into any new adventure.

Are you ready for new adventures? Follow your heart. Now is the time when you need to trust where the Universe is taking you.

The Fool encourages you to have an open, curious mind and a sense of excitement.

Leave behind any fears, worries, or anxiety about what may or may not happen.

It’s time to work with The Fool Card when you’re ready to take a risk and explore new beginnings.

You are on the verge of an unexpected and exciting new adventure. This may require you to take a blind leap of faith.

Treat life like one big experiment and feel yourself in the flow of whatever comes your way.

This is your invitation to go for it, play, and have fun. It’s all about new experiences, personal growth and adventure.

Laugh more, dance more and let your heart go free. You are ready!

If you’ve been watching for a sign, this is it!

Take a chance and see what happens. Believe the universe has your back. You are entering into a new phase, one that is very different from any other.

Now is the time to trust and go with the flow.

Throw caution to the wind and be ready to embrace the unknown, leaving behind any fear, worry or anxiety about what may or may not happen.

The Magician

The Magician Keywords: Willpower, Desire, Resourceful, Skill, Manifestation, Confidence.

The Magician Message: I am the master of manifestation. Whatever it is I am about to embark upon, I’ve got this! Thinking is action. Thoughts become things and with your heightened awareness, you can you can make happen.

The Magician’s personality is masterful, resourceful, and strategic. When you want to make things happen, turn to the Magician.

The Magician brings you the tools, resources and energy you need to realize your dreams. Now is the perfect time to move forward on that idea you had. It’s time to take inspired action. Focus on the one thing that will move you towards your goal. Be crystal clear with your intentions, then create a solid plan of action and commit to it.

It points to the talents, capabilities and resources to succeed. This is a call to believe in yourself and acknowledge that you’re full of potential. You’re being reminded to embrace your ideas as they will move toward your goal.

The Magician’s personality is masterful, resourceful, and strategic. When you want to make things happen, turn to the Magician.

The message is to tap into one’s full potential rather than holding back, especially when there is a need to transform something.

Commitment to the mission is important, so drop any obstacles that might divert the attention from what you want to accomplish.

Be methodical in preparation to make sure you stay on schedule and carry out your goals.

The Magician is the master of manifestation and they tend to be very busy because they are designed to take action to initiate and create.

They are the ones who really can go out and make things happen.

In a yes or no question, the Magician is a YES!

The High Priestess

Intuition is the language of the soul. The High Priestess is the guardian of the subconscious mind and the teacher of sacred knowledge.

The High Priestess card is the second Major Arcana card of the tarot deck.

She indicates a time for learning and listening to your intuition.

She tells you to slow down and reflect on what you’ve learned and to acquire even more knowledge before making a decision or taking action.

Use your energy and time to reflect on what you’ve learned and to prepare yourself for all possible outcomes. Once the outcome is clear, you’ll be ready to act upon it. The main thing here is to trust your intuition. Listen, listen within.

Intuition is the language of the soul. The High Priestess is the guardian of the subconscious mind and the teacher of sacred knowledge and hidden mysteries. She teaches you that the world is not always as it seems and more profound influences are often at play.

She signifies spiritual enlightenment, inner illumination, divine knowledge and wisdom. Go deeper within and feel, rather than think. Be proud of your ability to nurture, trust, sense and empathize instead of hiding it away.

Now is the time to be still so you can tune in to your intuition. The answers you are seeking will come from within. Your intuitive sense is providing you with useful information and is assisting you to become more in touch with your subconscious mind. It’s all sitting within You. Trust your intuition.

The High Priestess indicates a time for learning and listening to your intuition.

Have you ever said “I have a gut feeling about this? That’s your intuition telling you something. Listen to it.

This card suggests that it is time to reflect upon the situation and trust your inner instincts to guide you through it. The answers you are seeking will come from within, from your deepest truth and ‘knowing’.

Allow the High Priestess to become your guide as you venture deep into your subconscious mind and access this inner wisdom. 

The Lovers

Conscience connections and meaningful relationships. Love, harmony & choices.

The Lovers tarot card is all about conscience connections, meaningful relationships, love, harmony and choices.

The Lovers personality is authentic and genuine. As a result, Lovers personalities are highly ethical and live life from their core beliefs, values and principles.

While the Lovers card usually refers to a romantic bond, it can also reflect a close relationship of friendship or family where affection, appreciation and empathy flow. You will create a harmonious and fulfilling relationship by communicating openly and honestly with those you care about.

The lovers are about decisions. The choice about who you want, how you connect with others and what you’re going to stand for and won’t stand for. You need to be transparent about your own beliefs and values to make good choices – and remain true to them. It won’t be easy for all choices either.

Do not make a decision based on fear, anxiety, guilt or shame. You have to choose happiness – love for yourself, love of others, and love of the world. Choose your own best version. Ultimately, you are helped to unify opposing powers by the Lovers card. There are similar advantages and disadvantages, rewards and obstacles in every selection, positive and negative. Follow your heart.

The Lovers in a Yes or No Reading – Those seeking a yes or no answer often pull the Lovers tarot card since it deals with choices and feeling uncertain about a decision. If you are at a crossroads and want to move forward in a certain direction but feel ‘unsure’, put all doubt to the side. Lovers is usually a YES

The Lovers tarot card is all about conscience connections, meaningful relationships, love, harmony and choices.

At its core, and this year, it’s all about honoring the Highest Good within you and others, creating meaningful relationships and making conscious choices. The Lovers is about choice. Choice about who you spend time with. Choice about who you let into your life. Choice about how you interact with others and on what level.

This is a potent year for expanding your impact, reaching your highest potential and of course creating relationships with yourself, your loved ones and your community.

Know that your true power is welcoming all parts of yourself, the good and not so good and giving everything a good dose of LOVE, compassion and kindness.

Remember, when you truly love and accept yourself it will inevitably radiate out into the world.

This is your time to create fulfilling relationships with those around you. Look to the people who lift you up and invest in them. Choose the path of Love and make your world a better place this year.


The Devil - Through this card addictions and self limiting beliefs are being addressed. The Devil card shows your darker side. The Devil made me do it.

Through this card addictions and self limiting beliefs are being addressed. The Devil card shows your darker side. It’s temptations that are leading you. You are being asked to take a hard look at yourself and ask yourself where in my life am I suffering from addictive behavior. Destructive powers prevent you from being the best version of yourself.  You may be influenced by unhealthy attitudes, addictions, activities, modes of thought and friendships. You choose the direction of instant gratification with the Devil, even though it is at the cost of your long-term well-being. You’ve heard the expression “The Devil made me do it.” Deep down, you know it’s to your disadvantage, and you’re only doing yourself (and often others) a great deal of harm. You need to recognize the hold they have over you and the impact they have on your life. See this as an opportunity to be strong and outsmart the negative forces in your mind. Lead us not into temptation.


Positivity, Fun, Play, Warmth, Radiance, Success, Optimism, Happiness. The Sun stands for prosperity and abundance.

Keywords: Positivity, Fun, Play, Warmth, Radiance, Success, Optimism, Happiness.

 The Sun Tarot Card shows that you can expect to receive good tidings, abundance, and vibrant energy. When the Sun card appears in your reading, you due for good things, but you’re being encouraged to enjoy in pleasures that life has to offer and to celebrate and play.

This beautiful, warm energy is a reminder to be optimistic. Know that positive energy will follow, bringing you joy and happiness. You’re full of energy and can already sense the success and abundance flowing your way.

Radiate who you are and what you stand for! Tap into that confidence and trust that everything will work out. The Sun stands for prosperity and abundance. The Sun gives you strength and assures you that your good energies will accompany you and bring you happiness and pleasure no matter where you go.

Shine your love. The Sun brings you the message that things will get better, a lot better! You’re confident and you know everything’s going to work out – Love your life!

The Sun is an energetic card. It demonstrates a time when you can expect to experience a lot of physical energy, vitality and general positivity. You explode with optimism and are embracing a sense of good health.