Listen to your inner voice. Release any fears or anxieties that are holding you back.

Keywords: Fear, Illusion, Imagination, Illusion, Anxiety, Uncertainty

The Moon is something of great beauty. It opens up your inner voice. It’s asking you to examine your feelings. Release any fears or anxieties that are holding you back.

When manipulated by the light of the moon we may find it difficult to tell what’s real and what’s not. Nothing is what it seems. Everything always looks different at night. It’s like a veil of mist covering the truth. It acts as a reflection of yourself.

The Moon may indicate that something in your life is not as it appears. It may indicate a desire for change. This can also apply to your expectations: your plans may not play out as you hoped. Start an honest dialogue with yourself. Be willing to face the reality of the situation.

There may be a hidden truth in your life that you need to uncover. Clearing the air may be difficult, but it is important if you want to seek happiness in your life. Feelings of anxiety or depression could very well be hindering your life journey.

The moon reminds you to trust your intuition. It often emerges when you project fear into your present and future situations based on your past experiences. The Moon can mean a time of uncertainty and doubt when it seems to be nothing.  

Be cautious when the Moon card appears not to make quick decisions. You may find out later that you only had half the information you required. You need to listen to your instincts and believe it to be able to see beyond what’s before you. A little self understanding can go a long way.

Let go of your mental blocks or negative self-talk and allow your intuition to guide you.

The Moon represents the depths of our intuition, our fears, and the mysteries that lie beneath the surface. Its presence reminds us to trust our instincts, even when things seem uncertain or unclear.

The Moon teaches us to embrace the unknown and to navigate through the shadows with courage and inner wisdom. So next time the Moon card appears in your reading, take a moment to reflect on what lies beyond the surface and embrace the journey of self-discovery it offers.


Positivity, Fun, Play, Warmth, Radiance, Success, Optimism, Happiness. The Sun stands for prosperity and abundance.

Keywords: Positivity, Fun, Play, Warmth, Radiance, Success, Optimism, Happiness.

 The Sun Tarot Card shows that you can expect to receive good tidings, abundance, and vibrant energy. When the Sun card appears in your reading, you due for good things, but you’re being encouraged to enjoy in pleasures that life has to offer and to celebrate and play.

This beautiful, warm energy is a reminder to be optimistic. Know that positive energy will follow, bringing you joy and happiness. You’re full of energy and can already sense the success and abundance flowing your way.

Radiate who you are and what you stand for! Tap into that confidence and trust that everything will work out. The Sun stands for prosperity and abundance. The Sun gives you strength and assures you that your good energies will accompany you and bring you happiness and pleasure no matter where you go.

Shine your love. The Sun brings you the message that things will get better, a lot better! You’re confident and you know everything’s going to work out – Love your life!

The Sun is an energetic card. It demonstrates a time when you can expect to experience a lot of physical energy, vitality and general positivity. You explode with optimism and are embracing a sense of good health.


Judgement, end of a cycle, new stage of development. A Time to reap rewards from past actions.

Keywords: Crossroads, soul-searching, a larger cause, messages, awareness, change, commitment, end of a cycle, a new stage of development, making an important decision, aligning actions with values.

It is time to reflect and analyze yourself and your actions.

When the Judgement in Tarot appears in a Tarot reading, it indicates that you are nearing a turning point in your journey. Listen to these calls when they appear in your life.

Judgement is a card that demands change and commitment and reflects how the stakes are high when it comes to living our best lives, not just for ourselves but for others and the world as a whole.

Judgement is an end of a cycle, a new stage of development. Let go of your old self and transition into the most potent version of yourself.

The future is waiting, rebirth, karma fulfilled, regeneration. A Time to reap rewards from past actions. Were your decisions good or not so good?

The Judgment Card calls you to rise and embrace a higher level of awareness to serve your Highest Good.  You feel a spiritual awakening and recognize you’re meant for so much more. We must acknowledge the reality of our current situation in order to create and pursue something different. 

Let go of your old self and step into this newest version of who you really are.

The Judgement card also shows you need to make a life-changing decision, but this decision involves a combination of instinct and intelligence. Tune in to your Higher Self, trust your judgement and know you are on the right path.

If you still need clarity on the situation, look to your past and life lessons to guide you.


Challenges have been faced and won. Free to choose your own path. One cycle ends and a new one begins.

Keywords: Completion of a major life lesson, freedom, leadership, reward, clarity, travel, accomplishment. Total balance. Reward for all your efforts.

This is a card of closure. You have fulfilled your purpose and goal.

The World tarot card is the last card of the Major Arcana. You’ve reached the end of one journey and are ready to begin another.

The World card indicates you are beaming with a sense of wholeness, achievement, fulfillment and completion. Challenges have been faced and won. You are free to choose your own path.

One cycle ends and a new one begins.

When the World Card appears in a Tarot read, you shine with a sense of completeness, pride, satisfaction and completion.

A long-term task, study cycle, relationship or career has been completed, and you are now taking great pleasure in the sense of closure and accomplishment.

You have achieved your goal or purpose. It’s all come together, and you’re in the right place, doing the right thing, doing what you’ve imagined. You are feeling happy and complete.

Now you are welcomed by the World Card to focus on your journey, respect your achievements and adapt to your spiritual lessons. Celebrate your successes and revel in the joy of achieving your goals.

All the triumphs and tribulations along your path have made you into the strong, wise, more experienced person you are now.

More literally, the World can also mean travel, or a journey. This is a great card if you are want to take a long trip or relocate to another location. All signs are positive for your new adventure.