The Hermit

The Hermit shows you’re going on a journey of self-discovery, led only by your inner wisdom and guiding light.

Keywords: Introspection, soul-searching, inner guidance, retreat, turning inward, inner wisdom, knowledge, new perspective, time away, commit, personal journey, Let go, connect, spiritual clarity, teacher, mentor, guide, calling, sharing wisdom, learning.

The Hermit shows that you’re taking a break from everyday life to take in your energy and attention to find the answers you’re searching for, deep within your soul.

Your deepest sense of truth and knowledge is within you. You’re going on a journey of self-discovery, led only by your inner wisdom and guiding light.

The Hermit invites you to retreat into your private world and experience a deep sense of seclusion and introspection.

Find your light, make it shine on your soul, and create your unique path. Take one step at a time from there.

When you’re at a point in your life and consider a new direction, the Hermit often appears.

You can begin to re-evaluate your personal goals and change your overall course through meditation, contemplation, and self-examination.

Number-9- knowledge

Numerology- 18 The Moon

Element- Earth

Astrology- Virgo

Energy- Receptive

Physical and spiritual retreat from everyday life

Take time away from your daily routines and obligations and make a commitment to going on a personal journey

Let go of everything that controls you and connect with yourself on the inside- gain spiritual clarity

You could be a mentor or teacher to someone or you could be the one who needs to learn something.

Sharing your own knowledge with others

No longer innocent and evolved into someone through experiences of the past

No longer looking behind or needing to scan the future – wisdom comes from being present

Ageless wisdom representing those who are looking for enlightenment

You can get to the top

May feel isolated but you won’t turn your back on those who need it

I can take you on the journey but I can’t carry you

A master is a teacher- helping other while also mastering his own progress maintaining one step ahead at all times

You can show them the way but you can’t make the journey for them

You are in the process of learning detachment

Once you begin to make this journey, the relationships and situations which no longer serve you will begin to melt away. It is a natural part of the spiritual evolutionary process.

Gray cloak- looking within, protecting the truth, devotion, respect

Lamp- wisdom, truth, lights the way

Yellow light- wisdom

Star- seal of Solomon, power to command, speak with animals, 6 points representing 6th sign Virgo

Gray sky- moment before creation, in between light/dark, let there be light

White snow- innocence, blank page, clean slate, isolation

Staff- self- support, mastery, familiarity, completed journey and the journey ahead

White beard- wisdom

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune reminds you that the wheel is always turning and life is in a state of constant change.

The Wheel of Fortune reminds you that the wheel is always turning and life is in a state of constant change.

Keywords: Go with the flow, Good Luck, Karma, Life Cycles, Turning Point, Change, Possibilities, Risk, Trust, Instinct, Believe, Future, Destiny, Fate, Twists and Turns, Chance.

The Wheel of Fortune shows why it’s so important to enjoy your life’s blissful moments and make the most of them while they’re within reach – because they might be gone in a flash.

It’s also known as the wheel of karma and reminds you that what goes around comes around.

What you put out to the universe is what you’ll receive back. Make sure you send out those positive vibes if you want happiness and abundance. Keep your mind open.  

The Wheel of Fortune can show a turning point in your life. Opportunities you could never imagine are suddenly available to you, and you have the chance to make a significant change in your life.

See this as an invitation to turn things around and take an entirely new direction in your life.

Number-10- change, growth, new beginnings

Numerology link- 1 The Magician, 19 The Sun

Element- Fire

Astrology- Jupiter- Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Energy- Active

Positive changes coming soon

Unexpected outcome’s possible by having faith and taking a risk

We are in charge of our own destiny and we can create our own luck

Things are lining up for your benefit

Surprising offers or new opportunities presenting themselves

Personal vision increase

Discover more about yourself and listen to your gut

Manifest your dreams now, your energy is aligning with the universe

Now is the time to take a chance, spin the wheel and take a chance on what you have been holding out on

Prepare for the unexpected

Something is going to bring you closer to an important person in your life

Someone may be coming into your life unexpectedly- a chance encounter

You reap what you sow

You may be facing consequences of your past actions

Give the kind of energy you wish to receive from others

End of something and the beginning of something new

Appreciate every moment

Angel, lion, ox, eagle- Angel Guides
Clouds- mystery
Wheel- change, movement, chance
Letters on wheel- spells out ‘Tarot Wheel (Rota)’ “The wheel of Tarot speaks the Law of Nature”
Wheel moving- life’s ups and downs
8 spokes- universal energy
X in the center- marking the spot
Symbols on the 4 spokes- alchemy for mercury, sulfur, water
Orange Jackal- truth
Symbols on wheel- 4 elements and 4 creatures outside of wheel- representing the fixed signs
Figures in the corner- guardians of the 4 corners of the world
Snake- temptation, knowledge from the tree of good and evil, life force descending into material world
Sphinx- secrets, life’s riddles, wisdom
White book- Akashic records, info on all past lives, knowledge from spirit
Dog- loyalty, playful, animalistic desires


Keywords: Truth, Fairness, Factual, Universal Law, Rules, Justice, Balance, Honesty, Fairness, truth, law, responsibility, actions, judged, good faith, accountability, judgement, integrity, legal, cause and effect, life lessons, karmic retribution, honesty, equality, seeking, cross roads, standards.

I refer to Justice as the “Cutting Through The Bullshit” card.

Traditionally, the Justice tarot card represents justice, fairness, truth and the law. You are held accountable and will be judged accordingly for your actions.

At it’s most general level, this is a card of karma. The Universe always notices those things we say and do.

Be fair in your dealings. It reminds us to study the facts and put aside our emotional response to what is going on when we make a decision. Be fair minded.

If you have behaved in accordance with your Higher Self, you’ll have nothing to worry about. However, if you haven’t, you will be called out and made to own up to your actions.

Be willing to take responsibility for your actions and be responsible for the consequences that follow.

If you are seeking justice, the Justice Card is a positive sign that it will finally be done. Once the decision is made, you have to accept it and move on; there are no retrials or second chances.

At its core, Justice is about the search for truth. Be prepared to explore what truth means to you. Be consciously aware of what you believe to be true, fair and ethical.

Number 11- Charisma

Numerology 2 – The High Priestess




It’s time to take responsibility for some past actions, wait for things to play out, right the wrongs that need to be handled.

Fair outcomes and even the field for everyone involved.

There are outcomes to our actions

Restore balance

All is well that ends well

If someone has wronged you prepare for vindication

Don’t do any corrupt or deceitful practices

Do you know your worth?

Don’t settle for less then you deserve

Be true to yourself first then move forward

Take care of your mind, body and spirit

Crossroads- decision needs to take place

When you uncover the truth, a new day will begin.

Be prepared to get back either a reward or a repercussion for something you did in the past.

Go over the situation from all points before taking action

  • Symbols
  • Scales- balance, unbiased decision
  • Sword- clarity, swift hand of justice
  • Columns- left side initiation, right side mercy
  • Crown- wisdom, insight
  • Square jewel in crown- clarity, order
  • Square clasp on robe- rationality, order
  • Figure- sees everything
  • Grey color- neutral
  • Curtain- wisdom, dignity
  • Yellow- new beginnings
  • White shoe- spiritual consequences
  • Cloak- life, vitality
  • Robe- courage
  • Throne- seat of power


The Hanged Man tells you that sometimes, before you can take the next step, you have to put everything on hold, or the World will do it for you.

Keywords – Perspective, sacrifice, surrender, pause, release, old patterns, new ways, step out, comfort zone, unfamiliar, open, possibilities, eluded, waiting period, nothing happening, lack of progress, reflection, inner wisdom, listen to intuition, trust, guidance, process, no expectation, hung up, distracted.

The Hanged Man tells you that sometimes, before you can take the next step, you have to put everything on hold. It’s time to pause and surrender.

This is your opportunity to accept these pauses and to surrender to what is – even if it is different from what you planned.  

There is no need to rush. You do, however, need to do some soul-searching.

The Hanged Man is the card that suggests you take at look at things from a different perspective. Your inner self will soon speak to you.

This card prepares us for the great transition that is going to come next.

Take time away from your routine to connect with a new way of thinking and seeing.

When life is at a standstill, you can review the past and look forward to the future.

Take a passive approach, quiet your mind, reserve judgement. Simply watch and wait.

The Hanged Man tarot card represents letting go of the past and moving down a different path.

Change up your routine so you can start to shift your energy and flow more freely again. The Hanged Man is a card of change. Take some time away to renew our minds and spirits.

The main lesson of the Hanged Man is that we “control” by letting go – we “win” by surrendering. Acceptance and letting go are key if you ever want to move forward.

The Hanged Man is also about being ‘in limbo’. Patience. Waiting. You do not have all the information yet, and must wait and see what comes next. 

In a yes or no question, the Hanged Man is a Maybe.

The main lesson of the Hanged Man is that we "control" by letting go - we "win" by surrendering.  Acceptance and letting go are key if you ever want to move forward.
Click the image and watch the Hanged Man video.

Number- 12

Numerology link- 3 The Empress

Element- Water

Astrology- Neptune / Pisces

Energy- receptive

Something new and exciting will emerge if you take time to reflect. Are you caught up in your head? Stop doing and just let things be. See things from a different perspective.

The more we struggle the tighter everything feels

Voluntarily giving something up to get something better

Greater knowledge Lies within

Path forward lies with solitude and focus

Committed awareness of your true purpose

Changed outlooks

Changed priorities

Path you may need to walk alone

Looks like you’re going backwards or living life on the edge, you are being held on tight, no fear.

Your purpose won’t let you fall or fail

Stall, reverse what changes you may be making

Best action can be no action

Halo- enlightenment

40 lines from halo- spiritual / shamanic journey

Upside down- discipline, sacrifice

Blue tunic- psychic connection

Red leggings- material awareness

Man- calm, assured

Leg- left shows higher awareness, right relates to world and others

Left leg free- free to explore

crossed legs- cross roads, stuck

Ropes- binding, imprisonment, frustration

Tree- living, growing, nothing really dies it transforms

Tau Cross- initiation

Lines drawn from the head to elbows makes the symbol for sulfur representing evaporation and disillusionment, and soul.


The Death card symbolizes the end of a major phase or aspect of your life that is no longer serving you,

Perhaps the Death Card is the most dreaded and underestimated of all the cards in the Tarot deck. Most people freak out and fear that as soon as this card appears, they will immediately kneel over and die. Relax! One of the most optimistic cards in the deck can be the Death Card.

The Death card symbolizes the end of a major phase or aspect of your life that is no longer serving you, freeing up the possibility of something much more important and necessary. You must close one door to open another. Put the past behind you and part ways. Be ready to embrace new opportunities and possibilities.

Death is a sign that you need to learn to let go of unhealthy attachments in your life. With doing this, you can experience a fuller, more fulfilled life of deeper meaning and significance. This is a perfect card to break a bad habit or pattern of behavior. Purge the baggage that is getting in your way.

The Death card reversed brings you the opportunity to embrace change, rather than resist it. Say yes to change and see what wonderful opportunities present themselves to you.

You may also be experiencing personal transformation on a deep level. Allow yourself to release what no longer serves you and make space for the new to emerge in your life.

The reversed Death card also invites us to return to the lesson of the Hanged Man – a card of pause, suspension and putting things on hold. Even though we are experiencing heightened levels of uncertainty as more events are cancelled and restrictions put in place, we are being asked to see things from a new perspective and to find the opportunity in the pause.


Temperance is the card to bring balance, flexibility, moderation and tolerance in your life.

Balance, Grounded, Moderation, Cooperation. Maintain and control your feelings. Temperance is the card to bring balance, flexibility, moderation and tolerance in your life. Moderation is necessary in maintaining harmony. You need to be tolerate and be able to cooperate with others. Maintain an even temperament and manage your emotions. Temperance advises you to take the middle route. Now is not the time to be extremely controversial or judgmental. Be the peacekeeper and take a rational approach in order to prevent any extremes. Listen to your inner voice. Let it lead you to the right result, and follow patiently.


The Devil - Through this card addictions and self limiting beliefs are being addressed. The Devil card shows your darker side. The Devil made me do it.

Through this card addictions and self limiting beliefs are being addressed. The Devil card shows your darker side. It’s temptations that are leading you. You are being asked to take a hard look at yourself and ask yourself where in my life am I suffering from addictive behavior. Destructive powers prevent you from being the best version of yourself.  You may be influenced by unhealthy attitudes, addictions, activities, modes of thought and friendships. You choose the direction of instant gratification with the Devil, even though it is at the cost of your long-term well-being. You’ve heard the expression “The Devil made me do it.” Deep down, you know it’s to your disadvantage, and you’re only doing yourself (and often others) a great deal of harm. You need to recognize the hold they have over you and the impact they have on your life. See this as an opportunity to be strong and outsmart the negative forces in your mind. Lead us not into temptation.


Change must happen. The more you fight it the worse it becomes. Make a new start.

A card of “expect the unexpected” – massive change, upheaval, destruction and chaos. The Tower card shows a high tower nestled on top of the mountain. A lightning bolt strikes the the crown on the top which sets it ablaze. Flames are bursting in the windows and people are jumping out of the tower as an act of desperation.

It’s when something strikes in your life strikes and you are thrown out of your comfort zone and forced to confront change.

This change may be pleasant or unpleasant, but this all depends on your perception. It can indicate that you get a shock to the system you weren’t expecting – it’s not what that shock was but how you deal with it from now that is important.

Change must happen. The more you fight it the worse it becomes. Make a new start.

When the Tower card appears in a Tarot reading expect the unexpected – massive change, disruption, ruin, and confusion. Transition is here to tear things up, create chaos, and ruin all in its way.

But when it’s over, it’ll be for your highest good. Your world may collapse before you, as you realize you’ve built your life on unstable foundations – false assumptions, double-crossing, false beliefs, and so on.

But over time, you will come to see that your initial beliefs are based on a false understanding and that your new systems of values are more representative of reality.

The best way forward would be to allow this structure to self-destruct so that you can rebuild and re-focus. This devastation will trigger the emergence of new development and the transformation of your spirit.

You’ll become stronger, wiser and more resilient after a Tower experience as you develop a new life perspective that you didn’t even know existed.

These situations are needed for your personal growth and enlightenment, and even if you experience anxiety and pain throughout the process, truth and honesty will bring about a positive change.

The Tower in the reversed position suggests that you are undergoing a significant personal transformation and upheaval.

You’re instigating change and calling into question your fundamental belief systems, values, purpose, and meaning.

You may go through a spiritual awakening as you discover a new path. Your beliefs and opinions about important topics may change as you realize that you can no longer support old beliefs.

You may be in denial that change is occurring, or maybe you’re clinging to an old belief system, even if you know it’s no longer relevant or healthy for you.

Even though you probably don’t want to go through it, this challenging time will help you learn a valuable lesson and make progress in your life.

You are creating change and transformation so you can step into a new and evolved version of yourself.


Anything is possible. Personal growth and development. Dreams can come true.

Keywords: Optimism, Confidence, New Energy, Positive Change, Happiness, Faith, Hope

The Star reveals new hope and happiness after the previous chaos of the Tower.

The Star of Hope. Optimism. Wish upon a star. Anything is possible. The Star signals an upcoming or existing phase of happiness in our lives. Personal growth and development are at play when the Star card shows up in a reading. It reassures you that dreams can come true. But it’s up to you to believe it.

The Star shows that you have a happy future ahead of you. If you have faith in yourself and your potential, you will be able to master any challenge in life, no matter how difficult.

The Star offers restored hope and faith, and a feeling that you are truly blessed. It is a pleasant, loving period in your life, filled with positive energies, emotional stability, and a deeper understanding of yourself and others around you.

With the Star card, the magic is flowing around you and anything is possible. Your heart is full of hope, and as you realize that your dreams can really come true.

Allow yourself to dream in any way possible so you can reach the stars. You are making some major changes in your life, turning yourself from the old you to the new you and bringing a new vision.  “Out with the old and in with the new!”

Live your authentic self. Stay open to new ideas and development and listen to the voice that is inside you. Your heart is open, and now you want to give back the blessings that you have received so that others can benefit.


Listen to your inner voice. Release any fears or anxieties that are holding you back.

Keywords: Fear, Illusion, Imagination, Illusion, Anxiety, Uncertainty

The Moon is something of great beauty. It opens up your inner voice. It’s asking you to examine your feelings. Release any fears or anxieties that are holding you back.

When manipulated by the light of the moon we may find it difficult to tell what’s real and what’s not. Nothing is what it seems. Everything always looks different at night. It’s like a veil of mist covering the truth. It acts as a reflection of yourself.

The Moon may indicate that something in your life is not as it appears. It may indicate a desire for change. This can also apply to your expectations: your plans may not play out as you hoped. Start an honest dialogue with yourself. Be willing to face the reality of the situation.

There may be a hidden truth in your life that you need to uncover. Clearing the air may be difficult, but it is important if you want to seek happiness in your life. Feelings of anxiety or depression could very well be hindering your life journey.

The moon reminds you to trust your intuition. It often emerges when you project fear into your present and future situations based on your past experiences. The Moon can mean a time of uncertainty and doubt when it seems to be nothing.  

Be cautious when the Moon card appears not to make quick decisions. You may find out later that you only had half the information you required. You need to listen to your instincts and believe it to be able to see beyond what’s before you. A little self understanding can go a long way.

Let go of your mental blocks or negative self-talk and allow your intuition to guide you.

The Moon represents the depths of our intuition, our fears, and the mysteries that lie beneath the surface. Its presence reminds us to trust our instincts, even when things seem uncertain or unclear.

The Moon teaches us to embrace the unknown and to navigate through the shadows with courage and inner wisdom. So next time the Moon card appears in your reading, take a moment to reflect on what lies beyond the surface and embrace the journey of self-discovery it offers.