The Four of Wands represents celebration, harmony, joy and homecoming. Today is a good day to celebrate the joy and satisfaction of reaching an important goal or achievement.

The Four of Wands represents celebration, harmony, joy and homecoming. Today is a good day to celebrate the joy and satisfaction of reaching an important goal or achievement. Experience the safety and comfort of your home and rejoice with the ones you love most. You may celebrate a major event like a wedding, anniversary, graduation, or reunion.  Let loose and enjoy this special time together! You feel secure and protected, realizing that you are with those who love you and care about you. The Four of Wands advises you that now is the time to enjoy what you’ve done so far after a period of growth and expansion. Take a step back and celebrate your success. Recognize your hard work and encourage yourself to take a short break before embarking on the next step of your journey. The Four card symbolizes stability and firm foundations. With the Four of Wands, you’re experiencing a moment of completion, balance and harmony. It celebrates the personal gratification of a job well done, a goal attained and a dream that starts to come true. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished!


With the Five of Wands, everyone is fighting to be heard. But nobody is listening. This is causing conflict and misunderstandings.

The Five of Wands is a card of challenge. It’s about healthy competition, rivalry and sport. It often shows up when we face times of opposition and obstacles.

Be ready to go all in with total focus and discipline. Win or lose you’ll at least know you gave it your all.

With the Five of Wands, everyone is fighting to be heard. But nobody is listening. Your output is as important as anyone’s so fighting to prove this is what this card is saying.

Ego could be described in the bones of this card.

The Five of Wands inspires improvement. This card encourages us to exert ourselves and go for what you believe in. The challenge will be to make sure everyone is on the same page.

The Fives in the Tarot reflect conflict, challenge and change. The Five of Wands will often highlight competitive situations.

You may be in the midst of battle, tension, and competition with others and it’s impacting your ability to move forward with your goals. Rather than being able to work towards a common goal, you’re running up against constant opposition.

If you are dealing with this, see it as an opportunity to rise above the chaos. Take some time to listen to what others have to say – even if you do not agree. There’s a need for communication and creative thinking. A group of minds could make magic.

The Five of Wands inspires improvement. If you like it or not, change is coming. Your challenge will be to make sure everyone is on the same page. At the moment, the focus may be scattered by misdirected energy.

The Five of Wands encourages you to speak your point of view and try to find a middle ground.  You’ll learn more this way too. Embrace the battle of life.

The Fives in the Tarot reflect conflict, challenge and change. The Five of Wands will often highlight competitive situations.


The Six of Wands represents triumph and victory! This card indicates good news and success. If this was a yes or no answer, the Six of Wands is Yes!
The Six of Wands depicts some kind of success. You are feeling the taste of victory. It encourages you to put yourself out there and be proud of what you achieved.

The Six of Wands represents triumph and victory! You’ve met the challenges that were before you and come through it with flying colours. You will be getting recognition for something that is really important to you.

This card indicates good news and success. Now is the time to recognize your progress and take pride in your accomplishments. The Six of Wands is a good reinforcement for believing in who you are and what you have done so far.

If this was a yes or no answer, the Six of Wands is Yes!

The Six of Wands depicts some kind of success. It encourages you to put yourself out there and be proud of what you achieved. Be happy to receive the attention you deserve. Your supporters are pumped up to see you succeed. Now is the time for you to shine!

The Six of Wands suggests that you have achieved your goals and are receiving public acknowledgement for your efforts. This attention is a big boost to your confidence. It gives you the extra support you need to continue on with your quest.

The Six of Wands is a good reinforcement for believing in who you are and what you have done so far. Take faith in what you have done and how it will be viewed by others. You should to be proud! Hold your head high and know you‘re worthy of admiration. Know that you have the love of those around you and that they’ll support you all the way.

In readings, the Six of Wands appears when you have been working hard toward a goal, and success is finally within reach. The recognition that you’ve been waiting for is now yours. Now you can receive the acclaim, honor and reward that you deserve.

If you do not feel close to victory now, know that it is on its way provided you are doing all you can to make it happen.

The victory of this card does not have to involve beating someone else. You can triumph over yourself, the environment, or the odds.

The Six of Wands also represents a healthy self-esteem. Feeling good about your accomplishments is an important part of success, but too much pride can lead to arrogance and self-inflation.


The Seven of Wands is a card of obstacles, defense and holding your ground. It describes those times when we must assert ourselves and defend our position.

The Seven of Wands shows a man on top of a hill, armed with a wand in each hand and fighting off six more Wands from below. He appears to be defending his territory.

We’ve all had those days when it feels like we are battling one thing after another and not getting anywhere.

The Seven of Wands is a card of obstacles, defense and holding your ground. It describes those times when we must assert ourselves and defend our position.

The Seven of Wand reminds us of our strength and encourages us to keep moving forward.

When the Seven of Wands appears in a Tarot reading, expect to see an increase in people who disagree with you. You will need to secure your territory and fight for what you stand for. Often you may be shocked by this challenge or opposition, and you may not feel prepared for such a fight.

Draw upon your strength and self-confidence to overcome this obstacle. Set clear boundaries and then protect them so that others do not mess with you. Hold your ground and defend your position. This will require courage and persistence, but you have the strength and determination to do it.

Keep fighting for what you believe in and don’t let others knock you down.

The Seven of Wands tarot card reminds me of the Tom Petty song. Won’t Back Down. It describes those times when we must assert ourselves and defend our position. Hold your ground and don’t back down. Hey, I will, stand my ground – And I won’t back down.


The Eight of Wands is a card of swift movement and change. All of a sudden it feels like your life has taken off. There is no time to sit and wonder which direction you should take.

The Eight of Wands is a card of swift movement and change. All of a sudden it feels like your life has taken off. There is no time to sit and wonder which direction you should take. You’ll notice all kinds of different options and possibilities presenting themselves that all lead to totally new places. Motion is the key word here. If you sit back and do nothing, you’ll miss out on these opportunities. This Eight is a dynamic card, containing a high level of energy that moves you forward to reach your goals much faster than ever. It also encourages you to go with the flow; don’t resist it. Make the most of this momentum. Use this energy to produce positive results. The Eight of Wands urges you to focus on your intentions and actions. This experience can be extremely productive, allowing you to achieve a great deal in a small amount of time. There is no stopping you right now. Ideas and energy are bursting through you at this time. This card is a sign to act on an opportunity promptly while favorable conditions exist; avoid waiting. As well as speeding things up, The Eight of Wands is often associated with travel. So don’t rule out vacations or short trips. An impromptu weekend away might be in the cards. Now is the time for you to get moving.


The Nine of Wands encourages you to keep pushing – you are so close to the finish line.  Do not give up. You are so close to getting what you want.

This is a card of resilience, courage, perseverance and staying power. Recent events have left feeling battered and bruised, draining you of all of your energy and feeling like you can’t go on. The Nine of Wands encourages you to keep pushing – you are so close to the finish line.  Do not give up. You are so close to getting what you want. Every time you overcome an obstacle, it makes you stronger. See this Nine as confirmation that you will eventually come out ahead when you stand firm and maintain your position. You may feel others have tried to challenge your plans, making things difficult for you. Often, they do it because they’re projecting their own insecurities on you. To be successful, you need to step forward and gather your strength. Don’t let them get to you. You can make things happen.  Don’t shy away because of others’ insecurities. You have your people who support you. Let them cheer you on to the finish line.


The Ace of Pentacles is welcome in just about every type of reading. You are being presented with something precious. It represents a gift from the earth often manifesting as an opportunity or some kind of boost.

The Ace of Pentacles is welcome in just about every type of reading. You are being presented with something precious. It represents a gift from the earth often manifesting as an opportunity or some kind of boost. The suit of Pentacles deals with financial and monetary concerns. It has to do with material wealth, reaching goals, prosperity, abundance, security and financial stability. The Ace of pentacles is the spark that affirms this new idea has potential.  This card is the window that opens for you in the area of work or in business opportunities. It is the beginning stages of creating your goals and it ensures you that you can accomplish anything you set out to do. With careful planning and focused effort your goals and aspirations can come true. You’re ready to turn your thoughts into something real. The Ace of Pentacles also symbolizes wealth in a broader sense, not just for your bank account. You’ll find growth within yourself. There may be opportunities presented to create a new source of income, or you may obtain a financial gift or windfall.  This Ace denotes possible abundance on all areas of your life.  Enjoy it! Feel blessed and deserving of everything that comes your way.


The Two of Pentacles is all about balancing and juggling different jobs, relationships and rolls simultaneously. In everyday life it is pretty common to have more than one responsibility at a time.

The Two of Pentacles is all about balancing and juggling different jobs, relationships and rolls simultaneously. In everyday life it is pretty common to have more than one responsibility at a time. How do we find enough hours in a day and also have time for rest and re-charge. There are so many choices and obligations. You are wearing many hats and managing a lot of responsibilities in your life. The Two of Pentacles often appears when you are busy rushing from one thing to the next, with little time in between. This card invites you to manage your priorities and your time carefully so you can  maintain balance. Your high workload and need to get everything done requires you to stay focused and productive. It is crucial to create better time management to keep your head above water while juggling your priorities. Be cautious about over booking yourself. You need to prioritize or you’ll end up missing important deadlines, meetings and other obligations. The Two of Pentacles is a card of coping. It calls your attention to the concept of balance, being patient, flexible and adaptable as you try to juggle your responsibilities with your family, friends, work, finances, health and new challenges. Be prepared for last minute plan changes. If you are able to be flexible and stay grounded you’ll be able to balance multiple priorities. Use the time you do have wisely!


The Three of Pentacles is a positive card, particularly with regard to work and career. It brings awareness to our physical environment and the people around us.

The Three of Pentacles is a positive card, particularly with regard to work and career. It brings awareness to our physical environment and the people around us. You don’t have to always work on your own. The Three of Pentacles is a reminder of teamwork within our professional life and to be available when help is required. This card is about collaboration. By forming partnerships and working as a team, you can achieve great results. There are many people working behind the scenes toward the same goal, even if unseen. It represents the value of different ideas and levels of experience. Everyone gets the job done together. You’ve got the ball rolling and are making things happen. As you put your plans to work, you will realize that you have the skills, capabilities and resources you need to accomplish your objectives. See the Three of Pentacles as an encouragement that you are on the right track. You are competent at what you do, and you are making progress. Keep going! The Tree of Pentacles reminds us to disperse our energy among those different responsibilities. It’s a card referring to teamwork, collaborating with others and not taking all the glory.


The Four of Pentacles is connected to our control and organization of tangible things such as our wealth, security and possessions.

The Four of Pentacles is connected to our control and organization of tangible things such as our wealth, security and possessions. This card reminds us the importance of being balanced, saving for the future, security, conservatism and scarcity. The Four of Pentacles asks you to examine your relationship with money. Are you accumulating wealth and investing your money wisely? Or are you hanging onto every cent, afraid to spend your money for fear of losing it. The lesson with the Four of Pentacles is to honour and respect money and wealth but don’t become so attached that you lose sight of what’s most important to you. It can suggest that our need to control can be consuming us. Money works best when it can flow and exchange, not when it is being stashed away. Find a healthy balance between spending and saving.